Gurmar Extracts
- Reputed as “Sugar Destroyer Herb” in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.
- Good Prospects in the treatment of diabetes.
- Shows positive effects on blood sugar homoestasis.
- Controls sugar cravings and promotes regeneration of pancreas.
- Reduces body weight,blood cholestrol and triglyceride levels.
Jamun Giri
- Before the discovery of insulin, was a frontline antidiabetic medication even in europe.
- Blood glucose lowering effect is due to increased secretion of insulin from the pancreasand by inhibition of insulin degradration.
- Lipid lowering effect due to reduction of blood cholestrol,triglycerides and free fatty acids.
- Decreases activity of enzyme 3-HMG Co-A reductase in liver.
- Reduces Blood pressure due to ellagic acid present in it.